
Beautiful Inspiration ~ Gold Dipped Baskets

I hope you had a wonderful weekend!  Lately I've been in full organization mode.  I'm determined to remove all of the clutter from our home and keep everything where it belongs.  This can be challenging sometimes since we are always on the go...

I love anything gold or gilded and these pretty gold dipped baskets caught my eye.  I especially love the gold on the natural sea grass!  They will be perfect for the gardenia and hibiscus trees I will be moving indoors for the season.

FIRST Wrap and tape a plastic garbage bag in the desired location. 
SECOND Spray a light coat of primer, this will help the paint adhere to the material of the basket
THIRD spray 2 coats of your choice of spray paint, I chose Montana Gold spray paint in Gold Chrome.
I am smitten with these!

Wishing you a wonderful week! 
xoxo, B

tutorial found here.
If you would like help in creating a home you love, please contact me at Brenda@atelierdhautedesign.com


  1. lovely idea and thank you for the tutorial!

  2. Looks so stylish and so very personal,really amazing,dear B.:)))
    Thank you so much for your kindness,dear friend!

