
Beautiful Inspiration: Christmas Gift Wrapping

I love Christmas, it's my favourite time of year.  I also love giving gifts and I think I've become a little obsessed with gift wrapping this time of year.  I think everyone likes to open a beautifully wrapped gift and I like to see the happiness on their face as I had them one.  This not to say that I don't give the occasional gift bag with tissue paper (there are plenty of those throughout the year) but at Christmas, I like to get a creative and have fun with it.  Below are beautiful gift wrapping ideas I may use this year!

The gift wrap can be part of the gift also.  Aren't these jewels lovely?

I have the most fun wrapping for the kids

I have used this idea when my kids have picked flowers for the giftee

Perfect for T, my dad, or FIL... and my boys when they get older.

This is one of my favourites.  I would love to receive this... although, I may not open it because it's so pretty.

Another version just as pretty.. tutorial here.

xoxo, B

Photos via here and here.

1 comment:

  1. I doubt I would want to tear open such prettily-wrapped gifts. it's my excuse to be lazy and just use ordinary wrapping paper :)
