
A New Award ~

Thank you to the lovely Faye from A Melange et Moi for honouring me with the

With accepting this award, there are three rules ~

1)  Thank and link back to the person whom awarded you
2)  Share 7 things about yourself
3)  Award 10 great bloggers that you've recently discovered
4)  Contact the above and tell them of the award

Thank you, Faye, for honouring me with such a lovely award.  You are a doll!
The 7 things about me ~

1)  I am a devoted wife and mother of three amazing children.  My husband and I fell in love the moment we met.  We were married six months later.  That was almost 15 years ago.  My daughter once told me that he is my Prince Charming.  She is right. 
2)  Traveling is my passion.  I believe the world is a beautiful place with amazing people.  Although Paris is my favourite city, I anxiously await our yearly WDW vacations and dining with the princesses in Cinderella's castle.  My family will tell you that I'm a kid at heart =)
3)  I love the arts ~ theatre, ballet, art, history, architecture, design, photography and the symphony.  I love all kinds of music.  I played the flute years ago but, sadly, it now sits on a shelf.
4)  I study architecture and interior design.  I think I will spend the rest of my life in school studying my many interests.  I wish there were more hours in a day.  So much to do in such little time.
5)  I enrolled in ballroom and salsa dancing.  I have no idea how I'm going to find the time but I believe where there is a will, there is a way!
6)  Roses are my favourite flower.
7)  How can I forget?!  We have two wonderful and, at times, mischievious French Bulldogs ~ Mlle Coco Paree and Monsieur Bogart Louis.

The ten bloggers that I am bestowing this award to ~

1) Chateau de Lillie
2) Une Femme d'un Certain Age
3) All Things French
4) Girl Cook In Paris
5) Fabulously French
6) Falling Off A High Heeled Life
7) Avignon In Photos
8) My Letters To Emily
9) Snapshots Of An Island
10) Style Obsession

xoxo, B


  1. Good morning dearest!

    I too was given this honor by Fay; she is such a lovely and stylish lady, n'est-ce pas? HOW WONDERFUL TO KNOW THESE THINGS ABOUT YOU!!!! Ballroom dancing....that is actually going to be wonderful for you to get out there and do something totally different from school! It just may be a new passion for ya!

    ENJOY YOUR WEEK as it comes to a close! Anita

  2. Oh my goodness...CONGRATULATION!!!!!
    As I was reading your list of favorite things...in my head, I was saying check...check...CHECK!!! We are kindreds in so many ways...thank you for a WONDERfilled year of friendship...looking forward to many a grand cuppa in 2011...smile on rosie

  3. congratulations on your award!
    how wonderful that you are married to your prince charming...you are one lucky lady!
    xox alison

  4. Bonjour ma belle!

    Oh you should see my hardwood floors, Brenda! Today the trim is applied and then WE ARE READY TO PAINT and then just some minor things like turning on the electricity and MOVING in the furniture and CLEANING! I LOVE IT!!! Have a fab Friday!!! Anita

  5. Oh, thank you, thank you. I am beyond flattered that you have chosen me for this award. And, congratulations to you. You definitely deserve it. It is always so much fun to get to know some of our favorite people through these exchanges.

    You are so IN! I have never seen so many French bulldogs as I have in the last year. One, Edourd, lives next door to us and visits often. He is so, so adorable. He also weighs a ton. I usually have to carry him home because he wants to stay chez nous to play with our dogs.

    I have one little question: You told me to come for a visit because you had given me this fabulous award, however on your list you wrote, "Une Femme d'Un Certain Age and not "A Femme" -- Une Femme is my pal Deja Pseu.

    You did mean me, non?

    Have a happy weekend. (I also married my Prince Charming. Are we lucky or what?)


  6. Thanks so much! I didn't realize you had three children - I bet that keeps you busy!

    I'll work on my post this morning - hopefully I can get it finished before I have to leave for work ... eep!
