
Winter Wonderland and All That Sparkles ~

When I woke this morning to see the world outside covered in a veil of shimmery new fallen snow, I knew this would be the perfect day to settle in on a fireside sofa with a cup of cocoa, my laptop and peruse my favourite design websites.

I'm always inspired by the colours that surround me.  To take in what I see to create decor and fashion.  The glimmer of the snow, the stark of the trees and the beauty of the early morning light create an elegant palette of white, cream and black.

Designer Karl Pierce used an 18th century french buffet for a sink base  ~ brilliant!

This room is the epitome of glamour and glitz.  I could live in this room and never want to leave.

xoxo, B

Photos via Pintrest, House Beautiful, Villa Vintage, Woodson Rummerfeld, Barry Dixon, Windsor Smith, Andrew Skurman Architects


  1. Great images and it sounds like a perfect day.

    I added your blog today. I love it.

    I'm hosting a fantastic giveaway. Would you come and enter?

  2. I had to do a double take at that tub in the last pic. Wow!

  3. OH BRENDA! That second picture is what my new room will look like! You are such a dear to come to my post again....isn't life so busy at times? I am so looking forward to my spring break in MARCH! But I do get this Monday off for MLK day and our addition dearest is ALMOST DONE! TOday the hardwood floors go in and we paint THIS WEEKEND!!! So, in about 2 weeks, we should be all moved in after some minor details get finished up!!! I will certainly blog about it.

